Whip Appeal (Smack It, Flip It, Rub It Down) Read online

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  “What do we win?” Jeanie asked.

  “Winner gets to pick the spot for the next Posse adventure…and I’ll write them a story of their choice featuring any kind of hero they want. Who’s in?” Shara asked.

  Being that Shara had pretty much written all of them custom stories, no one was going to back out of a chance to get another custom story. Everyone was in. It was going to be an interesting adventure.

  Chapter One

  She had finally arrived. The time had come, and tonight he would make her his. Shane Foster knew this day had been in the making for some time and there would be no escape. Neither for him, nor for the woman across the room, who was currently unaware that she had sealed her fate by coming to the club tonight. Every time he saw her, his blood ran hot and his cock became engorged with the desire to fuck her senseless. He wanted to claim her as only he could and make sure she never forgot whom she belonged to. Because he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that after tonight, she would belong to him. He would erase the memory of any other man who had been in her life before him. Amazingly, just the thought of her being with someone other than him made his fists clench and his knuckles turn stark white against his normally tanned skin.

  Thankfully, the lights were low in the club tonight. So he was free to observe her without anyone knowing exactly what he was doing, or seeing the glint in his eyes as he prepared to make his move. As he took a deep breath to calm down—because it would do no good to approach her like this, with his possessive nature rearing its head—he briefly glanced away from her to take in his surroundings and get his bearings.

  This private club was his haven…his escape from the routine of his everyday persona. Adam’s Apple was a very unique club that catered to a clientele who enjoyed the BDSM lifestyle. The guest list included only those who could pay the exorbitant annual fee and pass the stringent background check. Although he had been a member for just over three years, he had never been noticed by anyone who knew him and there had been a few close calls. As the chief technology officer at a large financial company located in Washington, DC, he had to be careful that he was not noticed. He took great care to stay in the background, and his usual attire consisted of black leather pants, black boots, and a red vest over his naked chest. A red leather Phantom of the Opera mask covered half of his face, serving to hide his features from the curious onlookers who wondered who he was. Only those women whom he had taken under his wing as subs had ever heard his voice, and the owner, someone he knew from the outside world, was the only person who knew exactly who he was.

  To the average person looking at him, he was just another Dom waiting for his sub to arrive for the evening. However, it wasn’t just any sub he was looking for. No. No longer would just anyone do. Not tonight or any other night going forward for that matter. He was done playing games. There was no one other than her—the woman who had haunted his dreams at night for the past three months.

  His gaze traveled back to the woman and his eyes soaked her in, not missing a thing about her. To him, she was absolutely perfect. Her milk chocolate skin glistened under the muted lights of the club. Full lips with red gloss beckoned him to kiss her until they became swollen from the force of his desire. Her curvaceous body was encased in a skintight dress that showcased her full breasts, slightly curved stomach, and womanly hips. She wore a mask that only covered the top half of her face, and her hair was pinned up loosely. His fingers were aching to pull out whatever contraption was holding her hair in place, so he forced himself not to move from his spot as he continued to stare while she sipped her drink at the bar.

  His gaze slowly traced the curve of her jaw, the line of her neck, and the strength of her shoulders. No one else in the entire club looked as beautiful to him as she did at this very moment. Hell, no other woman had held his interest for very long after he’d first laid eyes on this goddess. As he looked again at her outfit, he noticed exactly what she had on and his cock began to pulse. Damn, was she trying to tell him something? Oh yes, he realized with such clarity that it shook him to his core—she was perfect for him.

  He ached to have her submit to him in every way, to give herself to him as only a true sub could. The night was just beginning, and Shane knew the time had come to make his move. Never one to hide his desires, he was not quite sure why he had waited so long to make his interest known to her; he only knew that tonight she was ready for him. Of that he was certain.

  One of the things he enjoyed most about Adam’s Apple was that even if you were not currently in an established Dom/sub relationship, you could still come enjoy the environment and spend time in a place surrounded by others who shared your interests. During the past three months, ever since the woman’s first visit, he had watched as several potential Doms had approached her. He had been pleased to note that none of them had seemed to garner her interest for more than a few fleeting seconds. She had turned each of them down with a smile and a shake of her head as she continued to wait. For what, he didn’t know…at least not until tonight.

  Another good thing about this place was that you only became a sub to someone of your own free will. No Dom could force a sub. It was strictly forbidden. In order for real trust to be established, it had to start with free will and freedom of choice. If a sub was not interested in a Dom, he—or she—was obligated to back off. From what he knew, there had only been one incident of someone not taking no for an answer. That person had quickly been removed from the club, stripped of his privileges, provided with a full refund of his annual dues, and blacklisted from any sister clubs within a five-hundred-mile radius. Yes, it was just that serious.

  Finishing his drink, Shane unfurled his lean but muscular body from his seat and began to make his way to the bar. Enough time had passed, and he was tired of waiting. He would soon find out if the real reason she had turned away so many others was because she had been waiting for him all along.


  Kristina (Kris) McNeal was about to give up and head home. She was all dressed up and ready for a new adventure tonight, but he still wasn’t biting. For three months she had been coming to the Adam’s Apple in the hopes of finding her perfect man. The perfect Dom. She had been approached several times by some very attractive men—and some not-so attractive men—and none of them had interested her. After only a few seconds of talking with each one, she had turned them away. She was looking for someone special, and none of them had fit the bill.

  So, when she’d noticed the man in the Phantom of the Opera mask about two months ago and her body had gone into overdrive, she’d known immediately that he was the one. Although they had never spoken a word to each other, she knew he was the real deal. He stood just over six feet, maybe six feet two inches, with a muscular frame that didn’t appear as if it had been manufactured in a gym. His chestnut brown hair was cut close to his head, reaching just above his collar. Green eyes, the color of fresh grass, seemed to scan the club and take in his surroundings as if he were a predator seeking his prey. She could only dream that eventually she would be the one he was looking for.

  There was something about him that drew her in. Whenever she came to the club, she immediately sought him out, hoping and praying he would notice her. Unfortunately, it had been two months since she had first seen him, and still he had not approached her or given the slightest indication that he was interested.

  Sure, she could make her interest known to him, but at her very core, she simply wasn’t that bold. Sitting here in an upscale club that catered to special tastes, it was almost laughable. None the less, it was true. She had never been the bravest woman in the world when it came to expressing her desires, but about six months ago, she knew it was time to take control of her life—at least her sexual life. Her desire to be controlled in the bedroom was something that had always been a part of her nature. She could be a bitch in corporate America until the cows came home, but get her in the privacy of a bedroom with all the public layers peeled back and it was a very different story. Al
though she had been with a couple of men in the past, every time she mentioned this hidden part of her desires, the relationships had quickly spiraled downhill. Either they did not know how to truly be in a loving and committed Dom/sub relationship, or they began to treat her as if something was wrong with her for feeling the way she did.

  The cost to join this place was really too much for her wallet, but she had never spent any of her hard-earned money on herself and had a nice savings account built up. So, this membership had been her special, one-time only, personal gift for her birthday. It had taken three months just to have her membership approved, and within weeks of joining, she knew she had found the one man she wanted. So, after waiting patiently for him to make a move for more than two months, she’d decided to take a new approach. Using a bit more of her savings, she had visited a store in the heart of Washington, DC that catered to the BDSM lifestyle and commissioned a very special outfit. She was sure that if anything could gain his attention, it would be this.

  Tonight was the first night she had worn her new purchase, and it seemed as if luck was on her side. He was here. As usual, he was sitting at his table towards the back of the club. He was alone—thank goodness—and she was sitting directly in his line of sight. If he didn’t pick up the message she was sending him, then she would move on. She couldn’t make her interest any clearer than she was at this very moment. Every stitch of clothing she wore tonight was a message to him that screamed I’m yours. If he was paying attention, verbal communication from her would be unnecessary.

  Kris turned to the bartender and ordered another drink. This would be it for her. She would give him another fifteen minutes to notice her, or else she would leave and make her way home for the night. Maybe she needed to rethink whether this was the best way to go about finding someone who would satisfy her both in the bedroom and outside of it. As her drink was placed in front of her at the bar, the bartender looked past her, over her shoulder, and nodded, as if acknowledging someone’s presence. Because she didn’t want to deal with rejecting someone else, she didn’t bother turning around.

  Then the person behind her spoke in her ear, and goose bumps rose along her skin. There was an immediate reaction both to her heart, which thudded with the increased adrenaline now flowing through her body, and to her clit, which began to vibrate in anticipation. Him. The man for whom she had dressed tonight. The man who filled her most intimate dreams when she lay in bed wanting to feel a man’s touch on her body. Finally…

  Chapter Two

  “Is this for me?” Shane was at first surprised when she didn’t turn around after the bartender acknowledged him. He then realized she must think he was another person she would need to reject. Well, then she was in for a nice surprise. He stepped back as she quickly turned in her seat. Her eyes met his for only a second before she bowed her head, a gesture of submission that he found enticing and sexy as hell all at the same time. Oh yes, he had been right. She was here for him.

  “What is your name?”

  She raised her head as she answered his direct question. “Kris…Kristina.” At his raised eyebrow, she quickly amended her response. “Kristina, sir.” She then lowered her gaze again.

  He smiled at her response and continued to take in her submissive pose. She had not looked directly at him for any length of time, and while with any other sub this would have been the appropriate response, he wanted Kristina to look at him. He needed her eyes to meet his as she bared her soul and shared her deepest secrets with him. Never before had he wanted something more with a woman, especially a sub, but Kristina was different. He had observed her long enough to realize that she had passion, strength, and was not ruled by her desires. There was more to her than just her submissive nature, and he wanted everything she had to give.

  “Will you come with me to my private chambers?” No use wasting time. He needed to know if she wanted him as much as he wanted her in return.

  Her teeth grabbed at her bottom lip briefly, and she broke her submissive posture for just a second to look up at him in shock. As she turned her gaze back down, he noticed her nod briefly.

  “Answer me with your mouth, Kristina. I must hear you say it.”

  “Yes, sir, I will go with you.”


  Kris almost could not believe this was happening to her. Her fantasy had come to life, and she was ready for everything it would entail. When he had finally approached her and asked if she was dressed for him, she almost came on the spot. Her nervousness had almost made her forgot to address him properly as “sir.” Luckily he did not hold that against her. After all, she was fairly new to this, but she’d tried to read and learn as much as she could before she joined. However, the most important thing was that he had noticed her. All of her efforts to make sure he knew she had dressed only for him—specifically for him—had paid off. Yes! Yes! Yes!

  She slid off the chair and stood behind him, her head slightly lowered, letting him know she would follow where he led. As he grabbed her hand and started walking, her legs wobbled as she knew the moment of truth was almost upon her. The anticipation was killing her. What if one night with him wasn’t enough? She had never seen him take a woman back to his chambers twice. Actually, she had not seen him take a sub for a while, and although many of the patrons would acknowledge him, he was always alone whenever she saw him.

  Well, one thing was for certain. She would do whatever was necessary to make him want her again after tonight. She would show him that they were meant to be together. This was her chance to take something she wanted, and everything in her screamed that this man in front of her was what she wanted…needed…to make her feel whole.

  He led her into his chambers, which were really quite elegant. She had not been in any of the rooms since she joined the club and was somewhat surprised at how his looked. The lighting was low, but there was a sitting room with modern furniture, and the sleeping area was off to the left on a raised platform. She briefly wondered what type of toys he had hidden away, but knew she would find out soon enough.

  Standing in the middle of the sitting room, she watched him walk around. He pulled out a bottle of wine and a glass from a hidden cabinet in the wall. After he filled the glass he began to walk back to her, his stride long and purposeful. She had to stop herself from screaming out for him to touch her, caress her, anything to end her misery. She needed him NOW, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. The glass was raised to her lips, and he spoke to her again.

  “Drink for me, Kristina.”

  Her mouth opened automatically, and she sipped at the wine. A trickle of the warm liquid escaped when he pulled the glass away and started to slide down her chin. Before she realized what he was going to do, his head dipped and his tongue snaked out to lick the droplet from her skin. An involuntary gasp escaped as she shivered at the naked want coursing through her body, and her knees went weak with desire.

  “Hold on to me and don’t let go.”

  Her hands grabbed at his arms, and she felt his muscles ripple as he lifted her. He carried her toward the bed and set her down so that she was standing, but the back of her knees were touching the mattress. She couldn’t stop herself from speaking. Not knowing what he wanted from her was killing her. “Sir, what do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to please me.”

  Well, damn, that made things crystal clear. She kept her thoughts to herself and watched as he walked away from her and stopped at a door that she had not noticed before. He opened it to reveal several toys, including paddles, handcuffs, collars, bar restraints, a few floggers, and even a whip. When she saw the whip, she hoped like hell he did not pull that thing out, because there was no way she was going to allow him to whip her. Did he really use that thing? Well, she would worry about that when the time came.

  She watched him reach inside and pull out leather wrist restraints, a feather, and a blindfold, and she breathed a sigh of relief. As he turned back to her, she stood stock still, awaiting his next directio
n. She wondered what the heck a feather would do, but she was willing to do whatever was necessary to please him tonight. This experience was the culmination of every fantasy she had, and there was no turning back.

  “I’ll need you to trust me to take care of you tonight, Kristina. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Tie this blindfold around your head. Make sure it’s tight. I want you to fully entrust your pleasure to me tonight.”

  Kris tied the blindfold and made sure it was secured and that her eyesight was completely blocked. “I’m done, sir.”

  “Good.” There was a pause as he made her wait for his next move. Suddenly she felt his hands on her lower back, and the warmth of his caress heated her skin. One hand trailed down up her back and began to unzip her dress.

  “You never answered my question, Kristina. Was this for me?”

  “Yes, sir.” There was no way she could deny that she had dressed only for him. Her dress was black leather with red accents and was matched perfectly to his regular club attire. Seeing the two of them side-by-side, anyone would see she had made a clear statement that she belonged to him. There was no denying the fact that she had sent a resounding message to anyone who was willing to pay attention that she was his for the taking, if he wanted her.